Sarvashtak Shanti Puja for Relatives

2 min readApr 26, 2021


Sarvashtak Shanti

We human beings crave for love and affection from the fellow human beings. We expect the same love and care we shower on the other person. All our desire is to be lead happy and peaceful life with our friends and relatives and sharing our valuable time with them and caring for each other.

In festival or any special occasions we used to celebrate together and enjoy our moments happily. But due to some of our karmic debts or past life deeds affect our social relationships. These effects include fight between friends, relatives, ending of relationships, betrayal and envy or jealous of a person. And finally ended with cluttered living and misunderstanding of people and separation between the siblings.

These turning into big problems like separation of property and many problematic things.

Sarvashtak Shanti Puja is performed for bringing peace and unity among the people. This puja is dedicated for Lord Vishnu who is the savior and protector of the universe.

Holding to the Lord Vishnu’s golden feet’s is the only way to get rid of all past deeds of reaction that affects our current life. This puja bestows the worshipper with getting back to their old friendships and relationships by solving the misunderstandings. We can get back our friends and relatives, rewire our relationships. This puja protects the person from the past misdeeds of reactions that happening in the current life.



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