Tips to develop a Mobile APIs

3 min readOct 22, 2021


Tips to develop a mobile API

Any mobile application need to communicate with the cloud/web based service which is used to retrieve and send data, including user authorization & management. To improve the performance of the any mobile application, optimization of application program interface (API) is the important factor to consider for great mobile customer experience.

Here we discuss some of the tips to consider for designing any API

Versioning the API

API is the contract between your back end and the apps that are running based on it. Without proper versioning of the API, it leads to the stop working of the applications and it makes non functional one. To avoid this, API must come with multiple versions which includes add, remove or change in functionality. It would enable users to use the same application whether they are using latest version or old version of it. API may undergo many changes in the future

Avoid unnecessary steps/requests to API

For any effective mobile application, one should avoid unnecessary steps or discrete one for efficient functioning of the app. Benefit of doing this is that fewer requests to API, lesser number of code which leads to application run faster. It can also useful for lesser development cost & great support.

Making single request to the application and getting/retrieving multiple set of data for the single page or view in the application makes it easier to code than making multiple calls to it.

Pagination of results

Pagination is the useful technique for listing the data in more structured format to the end user. It is used to prevent the thousands of records retrieving from the API simultaneously. By using LIMIT or OFFSET statements in query results can be retrieved to paginate all the results.

Using the Non-blocking IO

When optimizing the API client it is essential to block JavaScript execution. It can have big impact on the performance. If the API rely on the 3rd parties then it is important to implement the non-blocking IO which avoids the longer waiting for results.

There are two types of approach for non-blocking IO

Pull based Model:

It is called as polling model. In this model, client makes a request and then periodically checks for the availability of results, it requires periodically back off.

Push based Model:

It is called as triggering model. This model has the trigger API where it makes the call request, followed by the server’s response. A callback to the server will trigger the events and inform the caller for the availability of results.


An ambiguous and unclear documentation can make frustration to the developers. It is important to provide error free documentation to render of good understanding of your API and its utilities.

Final thoughts

Hope this article will be the useful reference for designing Mobile API clients. The Banyan infotech is the leading mobile app development company in coimbatore developing robust applications at the best pricing and delivering at the lightning speed. Visit their website for more details.



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